Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Advantages of a Collection Agency

There are many advantages in using a collection agency to collect your bad debt. A company’s need for a collection agency varies with such factors as size and amount of debt, but all of these advantages apply.

• No need to worry about hiring or managing employees for in-house debt collection. This often saves you time and money.
• Collection agencies have years of experience and will have a better chance of collecting a bad debt.
• Collection agencies will have an easier time managing debtors from different states. A collection agency has more resources and knowledge of states and their own specific debt collection rules.
• Collection agencies most often have thorough knowledge of debt collection laws.
• Collection agencies have the option to report the bad debt to the correct credit reporting agencies.
• A collection agency can handle large amounts of bad debt, which can often swamp in-house debt collections.
• A collection agency has the ability to track down customers who have changed their contact information. Whether they have moved or changed their numbers, a collection agency will be able to get their new information to proceed with the collection process. Often times many businesses will give up collecting from someone because they can’t get a hold of them.