Friday, October 22, 2010

Improved Help Desk

Rumson Bolling & Associates earlier this year created a new and improved customer service tool the RBA help desk. As this year comes closer and closer to closure the improvements made with the RBA help desk have been vast wide. Implementing ample resources, man power, having new widgets created; Rumson, Bolling & Associates is doing everything in Our power for clients and consumers to effectively interact with our customer service department. Rumson, Bolling & Associates believes in continually making strides and pushing forth the innovation envelope. Feel free to contact Rumson, Bolling & Associates customer service department at

Monday, April 12, 2010

Rumson, Bolling & Associates Discusses are Network

Rumson, Bolling & Associates has a vast network of individuals and companies that help Us achieve levels of success that many collection agencies are unable to reach. Each commercial debt collection case is different and each have their own circumstances attached to them. RBA’s network has specialty debt collectors and lawyers for various industries and/or special situations that occur often in debt collection. Rumson, Bolling & Associates takes great pride in the fact We are able to collect in virtually any situation in most circumstances.

Rumson, Bolling & Associates continues to grow and expand for our clients and continues to create new ties with business associates. Rumson, Bolling & Associates - Aggressive, Dignified, Effective.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Rumson, Bolling & Associates New Press Release

Rumson, Bolling & Associates recently wrote a new press release and was published/distrubted on

Rumson, Bolling & Associates wants to give a special thanks for our customers/clients that we have worked with through all these years.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Rumson, Bolling & Associates Strives for Customer Satisfaction

Rumson, Bolling & Associates strives for our clients to have the best experience possible. Rumson, Bolling & Associates has recently created a banner on the top of our webpage, for any clients who would like to share their experiences with Our company and staff places our clients and customers first and foremost.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Reports Drastic Increases in Complaints in the Debt Collection Field

There have been drastic increases in Federal Trade Commission complaints dealing with debt collection. Consumers filed close to 120,000 complaints in 2009 against 3rd party debt collection agencies and companies. With the current economy and the rate at which people are owing money it is not a surprise that there was an increase on the number of complaints. The more people the debt collection industry works with the more opportunities there are for complaints; that is the case for any industry as well. If there was an increase in individuals going to the hospital there would be a large increase of complaints in the medical field. The fact of the matter is complaints are directly related with the amount of consumer activity and that is the same for any industry.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Difference Between Commercial Debt Recovery and Consumer Debt Collection

Commercial debt collection is similar to an estranged relative of consumer debt collection. In commercial debt collection most to all standard debt collection rules and regulations do not apply. Commercial debt collection can be much more complicated in comparison to consumer debt collection. Limited Liability Companies (LLC) can easily rip off multiple businesses then file bankruptcy and continue doing the same process. Commercial debt collection companies need professional and highly trained skip-tracers to find trends of unethical business practices such as this. Companies who owe debt can more easily change names, buildings, phone numbers, etc. than your typical consumer. Commercial debt collectors need additional tools and methods that may not be necessary for typical consumer debt collection. That is why the F.D.C.P.A. and other extraneous debt collection laws are typically only used to regulate consumer debt and not commercial debt.

Difference Between Commercial Debt Recovery and Consumer Debt Collection

Commercial debt collection is similar to an estranged relative of consumer debt collection. In commercial debt collection most to all standard debt collection rules and regulations do not apply. Commercial debt collection can be much more complicated in comparison to consumer debt collection. Limited Liability Companies (LLC) can easily rip off multiple businesses then file bankruptcy and continue doing the same process. Commercial debt collection companies need professional and highly trained skip-tracers to find trends of unethical business practices such as this. Companies who owe debt can more easily change names, buildings, phone numbers, etc. than your typical consumer. Commercial debt collectors need additional tools and methods that may not be necessary for typical consumer debt collection. That is why the F.D.C.P.A. and other extraneous debt collection laws are typically only used to regulate consumer debt and not commercial debt.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

United States Debt Clock

Rumson, Bolling & Associates has recently added an interesting new link to our website

If you look on the right hand side of the webpage we added a new link. It is the United States Debt Clock. This link is rather important and gives the public knowledge not often known. On the United Stated Debt Clock has how much acquired debt the United States has. It also has the total revenue the United States currently has. The United States Debt Clock shows all form of debt in the United States from a total debt perspective to individual debt, to household debt. The debt clock also has the amount of assets small businesses have and the amount of assets large corporations have in the United States. The United States Debt Clock also has the money spent on large budget items such as: defense, social security, Medicare/Medicaid, and federal pensions. Many people often wonder what economic state the United States in and the United States Debt Clock clearly breaks this information down and with an explanation to each category. The United States Debt Clock even has a counter to the current United States’ Gross Domestic Product. No other website has all this information so easily ready, easy to read and has explanations to all information there. In order to make you a better consumer, better investor, better business owner, and everything in between Rumson, Bolling & Associates urges you to please take a look at the United States Debt Clock.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rumson, Bolling & Associates Wants YOU To Have a Happy New Year

Rumson, Bolling & Associates wants to welcome everyone to a new year. Our company wants to help your company start this New Year off right by collecting on your old unpaid accounts receivables. Rumson, Bolling & Associates would like to help bring an extra boost of income to your company. This income may have been once believed uncollectable or unobtainable. The more time that passes the harder it is to collect on debtors, if your company has acquired any debtors in the past few Rumson, Bolling & Associates highly suggests sending your accounts receivables so we can being collecting today. Let Rumson, Bolling & Associates prove to your company how we have became an industry leader with one of the highest success rates in the collection field. This new year Rumson, Bolling & Associates wants this to be your most successful year and our most successful year yet!