Thursday, January 21, 2010

United States Debt Clock

Rumson, Bolling & Associates has recently added an interesting new link to our website

If you look on the right hand side of the webpage we added a new link. It is the United States Debt Clock. This link is rather important and gives the public knowledge not often known. On the United Stated Debt Clock has how much acquired debt the United States has. It also has the total revenue the United States currently has. The United States Debt Clock shows all form of debt in the United States from a total debt perspective to individual debt, to household debt. The debt clock also has the amount of assets small businesses have and the amount of assets large corporations have in the United States. The United States Debt Clock also has the money spent on large budget items such as: defense, social security, Medicare/Medicaid, and federal pensions. Many people often wonder what economic state the United States in and the United States Debt Clock clearly breaks this information down and with an explanation to each category. The United States Debt Clock even has a counter to the current United States’ Gross Domestic Product. No other website has all this information so easily ready, easy to read and has explanations to all information there. In order to make you a better consumer, better investor, better business owner, and everything in between Rumson, Bolling & Associates urges you to please take a look at the United States Debt Clock.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rumson, Bolling & Associates Wants YOU To Have a Happy New Year

Rumson, Bolling & Associates wants to welcome everyone to a new year. Our company wants to help your company start this New Year off right by collecting on your old unpaid accounts receivables. Rumson, Bolling & Associates would like to help bring an extra boost of income to your company. This income may have been once believed uncollectable or unobtainable. The more time that passes the harder it is to collect on debtors, if your company has acquired any debtors in the past few Rumson, Bolling & Associates highly suggests sending your accounts receivables so we can being collecting today. Let Rumson, Bolling & Associates prove to your company how we have became an industry leader with one of the highest success rates in the collection field. This new year Rumson, Bolling & Associates wants this to be your most successful year and our most successful year yet!